Friday, February 20, 2015


1) Write out the passage;
"They went into a little bar and drank an absinthe together. Then they resumed their stroll along the pavement. Morissot suddenly stopped again. 'What about another one?' 'I'm with you on that,' concurred Monsieur Sauvage. So they went into another small bar. Coming out, they both felt extremely giddy, not surprisingly for people drinking on an empty stomach.'' 

 2) Explain the meaning of the passage;
The meaning of this passage from the author 'Guy De Maupassant' is about two friends that have re encountered, by recognizing each other while walking in the streets. While doing so they went on talking to each other and stopped at a bar to talk about the old times when they used to be fisherman, later they stepped out of the bar and both agreed to step back into another bar to have another drink and remember how the old times used to be.

3) Explain why this passage is important to you.
This passage is important to me because I can some what relate to what is said in this passage. I have a friend of mines that we have known each other since we were little kids in the Dominican Republic, and when we have some spare time we spend it by having some drinks in bars and talk about things we experienced back when we were kids and things that happen to us now as adults.

Friday, February 13, 2015

LEH 355 "Dada"

1. “I don't want words that other people have invented. All the words are other people's inventions. I want my own stuff, my own rhythm, and vowels and consonants too, matching the rhythm and all my own. If this pulsation is seven yards long, I want words for it that are seven yards long. Mr Schulz's words are only two and a half centimetres long.”

-          The interpretation of this quote in the passage “Dada Manifesto” by Hugo Ball, is that he doesn’t want to believe in anything that other people believe in. He wants to have his own believes of life.

-          The meaning is that he wants to have his owns ideas without having to believe in the same as the normal person and everyone else believes in.

-          I believe that the author states this in his statement because he wants everyone to get accustom to the word Dada, to start implementing the new way of art.  

-          The reason why I chose this quote is because it caught my attention when he stated that he wanted to have his own word, where it would adjust to what he was saying, fitting in with his own rhythm. In contrast with Schulz because his methods are the same to everyone else’s.

-          I would have to say I agree with this quote, mainly because it takes a lot of guts to come out and say that he wanted to try new things. And come out with a new way of creating art.
2. The artist I have chosen to elaborate his work is during the expressionism movement also known as the “Post-Impressionists” his name is Vincent van Gogh, according to Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, in a place called Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. Van Gogh was a painter whose work, notable for its beauty, emotion and color, was a highly influenced 20th century art. Through the years of his life He struggled with mental illness, and remained poor and virtually unknown throughout his life. Van Gogh died in France on July 29, 1890, at age 37, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
'Café Terrace at Night', 1888
- In this picture here Van Gogh has painted a picture of some kind of restaurant in the bright night. It shows tables outside of the place with people outside trying to eat, with a waiter taking orders.
- The colors being used by Van Gogh are yellow, blue, brown, white, blue, green, and purple.
- What the picture is trying illustrate is another beauty made by Van Gogh demonstrating his emotions and love for the night life under the stars. I believe that what he is trying to say is how to enjoy a night out under a lovely night.

"The Starry Night," 1889

-this picture illustrates a variety of things, it looks like a city under the night with a landscape view of the background.
- The colors containing this pictures are yellow, white, green, black, blue, purple and brown.
- The picture to my understanding is trying to illustrate that there is windy and lonely starry night in a town with a landscape view. The reason why I believe is a windy night is because you can see a kind of wave in the skies. And also lonely because it seems to be no one outside, and a lonely bush in front of the town.
"The Starry Night," 1889
- This image looks like is a city and its light resemblance of each home is on the river, with bright stars over the night.
- The colors being used in the picture are Blue, yellow, purple and black.
- My believe the meaning and the actions I can take from this painting is that the night was beautiful and two people are having a meaningful walk around the “starry night” along the river.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

LEH 355

-        [Anything which] is a living and not a dying body... will have to be an incarnate will to power, it will strive to grow, spread, seize, become predominant - not from any morality or immorality but because it is living and because life simply is will to power... 'Exploitation'... belongs to the essence of what lives, as a basic organic function; it is a consequence of the will to power, which is after all the will to life.

-        From Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, s.259, Walter Kaufmann transl. 


The following quote to my understanding has the following meaning. To me this quote by Nietzsche means that anything in the world that has life is out to worry about itself to obtain the top priority, no matter what it has to do to accomplish its goal to reach the top. It will do anything to have an advantage over the next living thing. Also In today’s world we see this quote by Nietzsche in effect in a several of ways. We see it in Business, politics, school, work field, sports, life, etc... The reason why this quote applies today is because everyone has the aspirations of being the best, having the “Will to Power” as Nietzsche states in this quote above. As I wrote before that we see this in evidence in Business, politics, school, work field, sports, and life. This is because there are a lot of competition out in the in the world we live in today and everyone is trying to be the best for their future can be as easy as possible with the possibility of earning more money than the other person. As we are shown in sports, people tend to cheat their way even if they know that is not the right thing to do. But to assure that they will earn a bigger salary they go out and try to do whatever it takes to earn a bigger paycheck.

According to The CIA World Factbook Germany's economy is the 5th largest in the world. This is an estimate that illustrates that this country is one of the most demanding in the world. Not only this, but it also demonstrates that Germany has one of the most powerful economy in the world. It as well shows great promise for the people of its country by providing them with a minimum salary wage of $11 dollars. As from my reading I was able to get a better understanding of why Germany is considered one of the more powerful when it comes to their Labor Force. Which coexists from Agriculture products, Industry and Service. According to The World Factbook, among this country’s labor force the Service area has the highest of its occupation percentage at 73.8%, where the industry has a 24.6% and the remaining 1.6% applies to the Agriculture. The agriculture products contains “potatoes, wheat, barley, sugar beets, fruit, cabbages; milk products; cattle, pigs, poultry”. The Industrial is one of the “world's largest and most technologically advanced producers of iron, steel, coal, cement, chemicals, machinery, vehicles, machine tools, electronics, automobiles, food and beverages, shipbuilding, textiles”. In overall I believe that Germany is doing an outstanding effort during these tough time for the world’s economy issues. While on an estimate from 2013 a total of just 5.3 % of all of their citizens are unemployed. Since from 2008-2009 it was an all-time high since the World War II. To me is an illustration of a country that is making more and more strides to becoming even better, and more powerful in its economy.